Marathon Seniors Enjoy Easter with MP

The content originally appeared on: ZNS BAHAMAS News

Senior citizens in the Marathon area were the special focus of an Easter outreach activity planned by Member of Parliament Lisa T. Rahming. Many events that she and Team marathon hosts are focused on families, youth, women’s empowerment, and men’s upliftment. Although she never leaves out the elders in society, MP Rahming wanted to focus solely on them this Easter.

In a special event held at the Marathon Urban Renewal Center, MP Rahming, center officials and Team Marathon prayed, laughed, and chatted together. She made a point to let the elders know how important they are, and that their concerns are important and their guidance valued.

At the end of the day, each senior citizen received a tray of hot cross buns and food vouchers. For the sick and shut-ins, MP Raghming made a special visit to their homes in the Marathon constituency. 

Source: Felicity Darville

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