488 Shanty Town Structures Demolished Since November

The content originally appeared on: ZNS BAHAMAS News

Minister of Works and Family Island Affairs and Member of Parliament for Central and South Eleuthera, the Hon. Clay Sweeting made his contribution to the 2024-2025 budget debate in the House Of Assembly this week.

During his presentation, Sweeting emphasized the government’s resolve to remove unregulated communities from the country. He said, “this is not just a regulatory exercise. It’s a critical public safety and public health initiative. I must emphasize and warn that general public, the existence of unregulated communities is a significant risk to health, safety and to welfare.”

The Minister detailed the work that has been done to remove unregulated communities on the island of New Providence. Structures were demolished in Kool Acres, All Saints Way and Coral Harbour.

On the island of Abaco over 500 structures were found in four shanty towns. Sweeting said, “at the end of February demolition has been completed in two areas. One hundred and twenty three structures were counted and 120 were torn down in the Gaza. The Gully Nelson, 28 out of 85 structures counted were demolished. Demolition remains outstanding for the Gully South were there 31 unregulated structures and The Farm, that has the largest number with 240 unregulated structures.”

In Blackwood, Eleuthera 184 of 216 structures were demolished. According to the Minister 27 illegal structures remain on Russell Island that will be demolished.

To date 488 illegal structures in unregulated communities have been torn down since the beginning of the government eradication exercise.