MP Pinder: Abaco Rises From The Ashes

The content originally appeared on: ZNS BAHAMAS News

Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Investments and Aviation and the Member of Parliament for Central and South Abaco, the Hon. John Pinder made his contribution to the 2024-2025 budget debate in the House Of Assembly this week.

During his presentation, Pinder spoke to the resurgence of the economy of Abaco post Hurricane Dorian. He said, “since my time as Member of Parliament I have helped, promoted and witnessed Abaco rise as a phoenix from its ashes. Our tourism product is growing exponentially, our children are back in schools, businesses are opening and hiring, seasonal and community functions have returned.”

According to Pinder tourism on the island is up by over 25%. “First port of entry commercial flights in 2023 was up from 2022 and the first quarter this year is leading again with a 15% increase. Treasure Cay is coming back. The Hope Town Lodge is coming back. Montage Cay is making good progress and many boutique and larger hotels and resorts are gearing up to break ground,” he said.

The Member of Parliament also said airlift to the island is expanding and that the newly introduced Trusted Traveler Program will expedite frequent visitors upon landing.