HOA Debate: Road Traffic Department

The content originally appeared on: ZNS BAHAMAS News

During her 2024-2025 budget presentation in the House Of Assembly this week, Minister of Transport and Energy and Member of Parliament for Elizabeth, the Hon. Jobeth Coleby-Davis addressed rumours about the lack of license plates at the Road Traffic Department.

Coleby-Davis said, “I also want to dispel the rumour that the Road Traffic Department does not have any license plates because this is simply not true. Presently the Road Traffic Department has over 50,000 plates in inventory. However, after experiencing some challenges with our present printers we sought a solution which has disrupted, for the short term, our operation. I can advise this House that the Ministry of Works has been engaged to assist us with the printing of license plates.”

The Minister also projected that the Road Traffic Department will generate more than $55 million in the upcoming fiscal year. “Over 70% or more than $40 million of the Department’s revenue will come from motor vehicle licenses.”

The Road Traffic Department has also allocated funds in the 2024-2025 budget for the hiring of personnel across the country